my first blog

People:  I climbed past the 80 year mark a couple of years ago and thought it was time to relax and watch the world go by.  But then there was a terrible slide from “No Drama Obama” to a man who had pants that was always on fire and had a nose as long as a telephone wire.  Even from the early days of the campaign it was obvious that Donald Trump had a mental problem. There were comments describing Trump’s behavior as a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and/or Antisocial Personality Disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association defines Narcissistic Personality Disorder as a personality characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance. An excessive need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. This disorder can be accompanied by a large number of traits and behaviors including arrogance, callousness, and envy and is associated with a preoccupation with power, prestige and vanity;
other negative characteristic include “grandiosity” and a disdain and lack of empathy for others. This condition is also characterized by exploitation behavior to achieve personal gain, exaggeration of skills and accomplishments and intolerance of the views of others. Pathological narcissism is also associated with derogation and insults of others and an inability to tolerate disagreements and criticisms.

If someone suffers from Antisocial Personality Behavior disorder: it involves a pattern of disregard for, and violation of rights of others and also includes such negative characteristic as deceitfulness as indicated by continuous lying or conning and manipulation of others, aggressiveness and consistent irresponsibility. A person suffering from an antisocial personality disorder is often referred to as a sociopath. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual narcissistic and antisocial personality disorder can overlap with each other including in terms of lack of remorse and disregard for the wishes, rights and feelings of others and can even co-exist as in Megalomania.

Eighty-nine per cent of Republicans may disagree, but it looks like a fit.
Steve Bannon is no longer in the White House, but as the author of Trump’s plan to destroy “Old America,” his spiritual presence is huge. Bannon’s approach to politics is made crystal clear in an informal interview with Ronald Radosh on Nov. 12, 2013 at Bannon’s Capitol Hill townhouse during a book party. Bannon never called himself a “populist” or an “American nationalist” as many think of him today. “I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment — including Republican and Democratic Parties as well as the traditional conservative press. The National Review and the Weekly Standard are both left wing magazines.” Before a radically new form of government could be established the old must be abandoned and destroyed. (Donald Trump was perfect for the job and his tens of million of supporters would become a great army of Leninist to be the backbone and enforcers of the new system). But Bannon got kicked out instead because he underestimated the strength and
power of Megalomania. However, Trump continues with the master plan to reduce our faith and trust in all our institutions: the strong and persistent attack on our media as untrustworthy and completely biased has shaken the First Amendment. All the other Amendments, except the Second – the right to bear arms, have suffered. Even the Constitution is said not to be what our Founding Fathers meant it to be. The strong and continuous effort to reduce our faith and trust in all our institutions: the courts, schools, banks, the Federal Reserve, our military, the FBI, ETC. Since he is unable to accept criticism and blame, Trump very often resorts to psychological projection to defend himself against his own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others – as when he accuses the legitimate news media of fake news when he is the one continuously making statements not based on facts. Projecting his faults appears to cleanse him – like going to “confession” it relieves him of guilt. This is why it’s a bit scary when he veered from his prepared speech at NATO and claimed Germany “is totally controlled by” and “captive to Russia” after the subject of his summit meeting with Vladimir Putin came up. So what is he saying? Is he a captive totally controlled by Russia? Why did he insist there be no one in the meeting except he, Putin and the two interpreters? This goes against all rational rules of diplomatic protocol and national security. Why would a US president want to meet alone with a former Lieutenant Colonel of the KGB with 16 years experience as a highly competent agent? So if there are more than one version of what happened at the meeting, who do you believe — a known pathological liar without a shred of moral principal, or a highly trained professional liar who does not believe in principals?

Meanwhile, both houses of Congress which is controlled by Republicans seem determined to undermine the Mueller investigation, the professional reputation of the FBI, and that of U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein while protecting Trump from criticism of his many questionable action and dealings as president. If Trump continues to appear to cater to Putin’s best interest, and Congress to the President’s, will the ghost of Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy return to the “Hill” and point his finger at the new Trump Republican Party and call it the new American Communist Party with control over both Houses and the Executive Office. He might pass over Paul Ryan as too much of a sissy – and go over to the desk of Trey Gowdy to ask for a fist fight. This would be real fun if you believed in ghost stories. And McCarty would finally be the hero, saving America from Russia – may he finally rest in peace. If you rightly think these last several sentences were stupid and crazy, take a look at these poll results: 89% of Republicans support Trump; 76% of Republicans polled said trump is truthful most of the time; 72% of Republicans say Trump is a good role model for children; A new poll by YouGov Friday on 12/12/2017 show 51% of Republicans believe Pres. Obama was born in Kenya, compared to 14% of Democrats.

FOX News is by far the most watched news station in the U.S. and the TV station watched almost exclusively by the president. But those who watch several stations and subscribe to major newspapers and news magazines seem to find news on FOX misleading and often unsupported by real evidence. As a “light” liberal I tried to periodically watch FOX but without success as I rather quickly got annoyed and insulted and went to another station for news. In the mid fifties I was a jobless high school graduate weighing 93 pounds and unable to join the army – so I hung out in a pool hall hiding from friends, but with lots of time to read and learn. I heard the term “liberal” and checked it out in Webster’s Dictionary which said a liberal is one who wanted positive change – and possessed two essential characteristics – an open mind and tolerance. A person who also wanted change but without the two essential characteristics was referred to as a “zealot.” I chose to become a liberal. It was not an easy course as I liked to argue, complain, criticize, and disliked sudden unexplained changes. But I stayed the course and found each new task/job challenging and enjoyable. This is my very first blog, and I hope to learn, and hopefully get better. ALOHA!